this talk: is about emotional, physical & spiritual healing through therapy - with Jimanekia

Like many others the journey has evolved over time and continues to be so enlightening. I actually really started looking at myself and the healing spiritually. I found a spiritual healer and started working with her. She taught me how to meditate and how to actually get connected with myself. Honestly, that was the start of my healing… emotionally, physically and spiritually. I get that meditation can be hard for folks, but there is just so much power in stillness and not having distractions to actually continue healing.

I began exploring more about myself while I was in school to become a therapist. Which is where I also learned how harmful some therapists can be, as well as that you do not have to be a therapist to help and do the work that I wanted to do. So that opened up many avenues for me. Currently, I have a beautiful relationship with my mental health. And by beautiful I mean, I see all parts of myself and I accept them. I also see where the work needs to be done and I am doing that work. My therapist is a woman and she is black, which is something I was seeking out specifically for my healing work. We used to meet once a week for… I can’t even remember how long. But, at this point, it is more of a constant support system. I see her every other week. It is great having a space to go and just be. Where I can have an unbiased opinion and also someone that is not afraid to tell me the truth. For me therapy is great, I also acknowledge that talk therapy is not for everyone. Luckily there are other types of therapy and modalities so folks can find who and what works for them.

You can find Jimanekia on:


this talk: is about setting up a running support group to cope with depression and anxiety - with Jessica Robson


this talk: is about recognising eating disorders in males - with Connor Spratt