this talk: is about coping strategies whilst battling cancer - with Lauren Firenza

Hey! My name is Lauren Firenza and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma last February, 2019, when I was 25.

I went through 3 months of intensive chemo and in my Vlog I talk a little about my cancer journey and ways of coping and getting through it that helped me. I still do these methods everyday (I’m in remission now) and cherish the chance of finding them as they have changed my life for the better and made me feel like I can battle anything that is thrown my way!

I hope you find these useful and if you have any questions or want any advice, feel free to inbox me on Instagram and I would be more than happy to help if I can.

You can find Lauren on:


this talk: is about sobriety and its positive impacts on mental wellbeing - with Alex & Lisa


this talk: is about life after discharge from mental health services - with Chris Jones