this talk: is a conversation about mental health in music - with Latir
Hi, could you tell our readers a little about yourself and what you do?
I'm Latir, I'm an aspiring artist, I sing, write songs, perform and co-create visuals mostly. I also work for Sofar Sounds, for a futures consultancy in Hackney, and run a poetry club once a week. Oh, and I also play for a basketball team.
What was your journey into your industry?
With the music industry in particular, I'd say it started with soundcloud releases and youtube videos picking up a little bit of steam. Then on to playing a whole bunch of shows and connecting with other artists, to eventually connecting with different artists and producers, A&R's, distribution companies and management teams in helping to release the music i"m putting out currently.
Are there any standout struggles that you faced along the way?
Continuously pushing at a high level without being able to commit the amount of time needed to progress due to tight finances at times - this can be one of the most difficult things to balance.
What tools have you developed to cope, or overcome these struggles?
I am definitely still struggling a little, but not as much as before. I think it is just effort on all angles; searching for better paid part time jobs, pushing the music quality, and getting it out there to different people until doors are opened to aid the struggle a little more.
Do you find it difficult to maintain a healthy work / life balance?
At times yes, both sides can get very intense, especially with music as it requires so much time, both to work on your craft and perform but also just to be noticed and create a buzz. I'd say for the most part I find it easier now than in previous years but it's still a challenge for sure.
Do you find that social media has a tangible effect on your mental health?
For me personally, not as much as others, as I tend to come off social media if I feel it start to play with my mind. Generally however, I'd say it definitely has an affect on your mental health; from comparing yourself, to the endless scrolling and numbing your own brain, to commercialism and the mass amount of content you're served daily. It’s like constant data you're needlessly uploading into your own brain, not the healthiest thing!
Do you feel like there is a problem surrounding mental wellbeing in your industry?
For sure. I think the awareness around it is increasing which is good, it all starts with conversation. I think the next step is coming up with tangible ideas on how to actually help each other with our state of mental wellbeing. Especially when often these conversations are either frowned upon in offices and by colleagues, and then swept under the rug. There are so many examples of celebrities and artists who have been subject to this problem and for some of those guys, we wont see it properly until it’s too late, which is a problem.
How do you feel it could be addressed?
I think more conversation to start with, one person opening up allows a safe space for others to express themselves when it comes to mental wellbeing. Starting from record label heads and HR departments. Creating more time in these spaces for enjoyable activities, ones that allow the mind to be in the present. For example, I started a poets’ club and it has freed all of us mentally in ways that we didn't know we needed to be freed. Just by having a safe space to create and express ourselves, getting better and better at doing this one thing each week. More discussions panels, and implementation schemes. I'm sure there are many other ways also.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in your industry?
Remember that no matter who you talk to or how you create, there is no one like you and take pride in that in your creative endeavours.
Always remember that you're doing what you love and that comes first, if you lose sight of that then take it back to what made you love what you're doing in the first place.
Work hard, but also remember to massage your brain with time away from the industry, finding a balance with other things you enjoy or with friends.
Drink lots of water!
What’s your positive corner of social media / the internet?
For me it’s actually Twitter. I see so many funny things retweeted on there. Every single time I log in, I find myself laughing.